In the logistics sector, we are an institution that has adopted the principle of customer and employee satisfaction We want to be a preferred strategic solution partner with brand credibility in the world scale.
Providing the most reliable and efficient solutions in our domestic services, we enable our customers to create value and increase their brand awareness, by focusing on customer satisfaction without compromising on quality of service and by maintaining the trust and reputation we have earned, we instill a sense of pride in our employees and by sharing in the responsibility of the future for our country we maintain our position as leaders in this sector.
To protect the environment within the framework of sustainable living, to develop a “humane” and “free” way of working that will enable employees to reveal their potential, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of customer information we use in our activities, and to ensure that all kinds of information we obtain, process and store are healthy, to provide customer service with our dynamic technological infrastructure. Our aim is always be the number one choice of our customers by staying one step ahead their requirements and expectations.
As MLA LOGISTICS our primary goal is; to take our place as leader in the sector with MLA quality, in an atmosphere of respect for the environment and society, providing services that are on time, error-free and to international standards with our corporate structures which are, open to innovation, and our high level of logistics knowledge and experience.
Ensuring greater customer satisfaction with the services we offer and to be the leading company in the field of Total System Management Solutions.
MLA LOGISTICS has established policies for all processes from the beginning to the end of the logistics service in order to protect against the graadual global deterioration of ecological balances.
By focusing ourselves on the expectations of our customers, we work hard to exceed these expectations. We carefully follow each stage of the service we provide.