Codes Of Conduct And Work Ethics
All activities within MLA LOGISTICS are carried out on the basis of legal legislation, articles of association, internal regulations and corporate policies. No unrecorded activities are carried out. Accuracy and consistency of business records are essential.
Our core values, which guide us in doing what is ethically right and in fulfilling our responsibilities to our customers, each other and the community, are Honesty, Striving to provide the highest possible service to our customers and the community, and Fostering and maintaining an environment of respect, courtesy and support for each other.
The principles of honesty, trust, consistency, professionalism and respect for mutual interests are observed with customers, suppliers and all persons and institutions with whom business relations are established.
No conduct that restricts free competition, no disparagement of competitors, no misleading advertising.
Confidential and trade secret information, employee personal information and customer information will be kept confidential.
The technical and administrative measures taken by our Company in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life in the processing of personal data, are carefully implemented in terms of special quality personal data and necessary audits are provided within the scope of the Law No. 6698 on Personal Data Protection Authority
As MLA LOGISTICS, we consider corporate information as an extremely valuable asset. We support the necessary trainings to improve personnel awareness and ensure technical competence, we implement the necessary activities to ensure that all personnel are aware of Information Security and act accordingly, and we guarantee that the disciplinary process will be carried out in the event of deliberate human-induced threats despite information security awareness efforts.
Donations made by the Company are duly announced to stakeholders and the public.
Company interests are taken into consideration in business decisions, and individual and family concerns and interests are not taken into consideration.
The utmost care is taken in company expenditures, and savings and cost consciousness are practiced.
Duties are fulfilled in an egalitarian, transparent, accountable and responsible manner at all levels.
Mutual respect, trust and cooperation among employees are essential.
All employees fulfill their responsibilities to protect and improve the corporate image and reputation and take care to ensure that their personal behavior remains within the legal and general rules of ethics.
Employees can not use confidential and non-public information about the company in favor of themselves or others.
Employees can not provide direct or indirect benefits related to the Company's business and can not accept loans from persons and institutions with which the Company has business relations.
Giving statements to the press and broadcasting organizations, publishing articles and participating in meetings as a talker can be done within the framework of the rules set out in the internal regulations and with the approval of the general manager and/or the chairman of the board of directors.
Our Company accepts it as a duty to take part in activities aimed at the health, welfare and happiness of the society with a sense of social responsibility.
Our Company voluntarily contributes to a better society and a better environment.
Our Company supports its employees to voluntarily participate in social and community activities to raise awareness of social responsibility.
Our company aims to make a positive contribution to the lives of children, the elderly, women and the disabled. It emphasizes that it is sensitive to these issues. It supports developmental projects on these issues.
Our company absolutely does not accept any employee being subjected to psychological harassment such as discrimination, exclusion, intimidation, harassment or harassment in sexual, social and physical matters, or harassment or disturbance in sexual, social and physical matters, or giving these and similar disturbances, and immediately implements disciplinary measures.
Our company has a deep-rooted commitment to stand against discrimination and to ensure equal opportunities. Respect for laws on employee rights, confidentiality, equal opportunity, health and occupational safety are our cornerstones. Our company is at an equal distance to all individuals/organizations regardless of language/religion/race/gender/culture/viewpoint marital status. We fulfill and follow the principle of "no child labor, forced or compulsory labor" everywhere. We are committed to maintaining our company as an organization free from discrimination or physical or verbal harassment.
Without ignoring the fact that we are all candidates with disabilities, we fulfill our responsibilities to help people with disabilities take on more active roles with the fact that disabled individuals have equal fundamental rights and freedoms with all members of our society.
We offer a working environment where differences are tolerated and accepted, where working conditions are appropriate to the nature of the service being carried out, and where overtime work is not carried out without the consent of the employee by complying with the working hours specified in full compliance with the applicable laws and labor contracts regarding wages, working hours and overtime.
In order to collectively express and defend the common interests of our employees, no sanctions or punitive actions are applied against employees who express their concerns, concerns and complaints, taking into account the right to interact and organize/assemble among themselves, and 'notification boxes' are used to express these concerns and concerns. Employees can openly declare all kinds of opinions, requests, complaints and suggestions in the boxes, these are evaluated by the Senior Management and necessary improvement activities are carried out for areas open to improvement. Continuous development activities are carried out in accordance with the regulations required by law and notifications received from employees.
Our employees are our most valuable asset and ensuring their safety is our top priority. We aim to be an exemplary and pioneering organization in our sector as a safe work environment.
The Company attaches importance to respectful behavior in its relations with its employees/customers/suppliers/partners/shareholders and society. It treats all individuals with whom it has relations with with the dignity they deserve.
While carrying out all its activities and transactions, our Company stands at an equal distance to public institutions and organizations, non-governmental organizations and political parties without any expectation of benefit.
Our Company respects and adheres to all laws, statutes and regulations of the Republic of Turkey and human rights.
Our Company takes business honesty, reliability, impartiality and adherence to the law as a basic basis in the selection and appointment of persons such as representatives, lawyers, intermediaries and consultants.
Our Company avoids all kinds of relationships, influences and activities that may prevent or create the appearance of impartial and fair decisions while conducting business.
The Company considers the suggestions of its employees as an opportunity to improve the organization and processes.
As required by its interests and in line with its commercial ethics, the Company clearly informs suppliers of the conditions requested in its purchases and evaluates all offers on equal terms.
The Company observes equal opportunity in its relations with its suppliers.
The Company ensures that the personal rights of its employees are provided in full/accurate and timely manner.
In addition to business targets and the competitive power of the company, our Company cares about the personal development of its employees and takes steps in this direction.
Our Company provides its employees with a productive and happy working environment where values such as honesty, consistency, respect, trust and responsibility prevail and where each employee can express and develop himself/herself.
Our Company supports its employees to engage in social activities based on voluntary participation.
Our Company takes measures for occupational health and safety with all necessary equipment and procedures.