
Prohibited Substances And Alcohol Policy

Prohibited Substances And Alcohol Policy
  • Our company is aware and believes that the use of alcohol and drugs will prevent employees from doing their jobs properly and safely and will harm their health.
  • Our company does not allow the possession of alcoholic beverages in the workplace except with the permission of senior management in very special cases.
  • Our company does not allow illegal drugs, prescription or non-prescription drugs to be kept in the workplace.
  • Employees are obliged to submit a detailed report from a specialist doctor about all the features, requirements and reactions of the medication to the authorized person and obtain permission if there is a medication that they are obliged to use while on duty.
  • It is strictly forbidden to come to work with alcohol or drugs during working hours, and being unable to work due to taking drugs or alcohol is grounds for dismissal.
  • Those who are addicted to alcohol or drugs and have been treated before entering work must disclose this, hiding it is grounds for dismissal.,
  • Our company has the right to check employees on alcohol and drug issues without prior notice. Refusing the check is grounds for dismissal.
  • At the end of a possible work accident, our company may request alcohol and drug testing of the personnel involved in the accident.
  • Company vehicles may not be driven under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
  • Smoking is not allowed outside the designated places.Company contractors have the same responsibility for all the above issues as company employees.
  • Necessary development, training and controls are maintained in this regard.


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