Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy
Our company fulfills the obligations required by its commitment to the law and ethical rules under all circumstances. Moreover, it holds itself responsible for their implementation. It ensures clarification of suspicious issues, including violations of laws, regulations, company principles and ethical rules.
Our company does not engage in activities such as tax evasion, corruption, offering bribes, misleading the government in financial reports, etc.
Company employees may not use their duties and authorities in any way for the benefit of themselves, their families or third parties for personal or private gain.
Company employees may not knowingly or willfully misuse their title or position to gain or promise benefits to themselves, their families or third parties directly or through intermediaries or under any name whatsoever through mutual agreement, deception or coercion.
It is strictly forbidden for Company employees to provide, offer or promise personal benefits or benefits on behalf of a third party to a public official in connection with an official transaction.
In the event that the person who offers or authorizes bribery, conflict of interest, fraud, money laundering, anti-competitive practices acts outside his/her authority to use the assets of the company and thus damages the company, it is considered as a criminal act by the Disciplinary Board and the necessary sanction is applied.